Engineered to excel
Post Cured Proprietary Laminate
These are words more likely to be read in the Aerospace industry than on a web site of a boat company. Our boats utilize a post cured laminate instead the traditional polyester construction. This is a revolutionary tool in the pursuit of building the highest quality boats. Our custom post curing oven and proprietary laminate system allow us to build stronger and lighter boats.
Carbon + Carbon/Innegra Laminate
Our laminate system is the primary driver behind the design and engineering of our boats. Knowing that every boat will be built with our proprietary carbon-carbon/innegra laminate allows us to make the lightest and strongest boats possible. Each material serves a purpose. Carbon produces strength and the Innegra allows for a smooth ride. The combination creates significant weight savings.
Vacuum Infusion
Each of our boats utilizes a vacuum infusion process that creates a near perfect resin to carbon ration. No VOC’s and environmentally friendly.